==== Scientific team ==== **IRAP**, Université Toulouse 3 / CNRS / CNES: C. Joblin, K. Demyk, H. Sabbah, O. Berné -- **OAC**, INAF, Cagliari, Italy: G. Mulas -- **LCPQ**, Université Toulouse 3 / CNRS: A. Simon, M. Rapacioli -- **LCAR**, Université Toulouse 3 / CNRS: D. Toublanc ==== Technical team ==== **IRAP** and **OMP**, Université Toulouse 3 / CNRS / CNES: L. de Bentzmann (PhD student), J.M. Glorian for the [[https://ov-gso.irap.omp.eu|OVGSO]] team; A. Bonnamy, L. Noguès, D. Murat, O. Coeur-Joly for the laboratory astrophysics team. ==== Previous contributors ==== Many people were involved for a limited time in the effort. Their contribution is acknowledged in each specific database/tool.